One moment you’re up and going about your business. The next moment you’ve fallen and in severe pain. Depending on your fall, you may have sustained severe, life long injuries and limitations. If this happens to you, get appropriate medical help right away and contact               .

We help those seriously injured in slip and fall accidents. These accidents may occur anywhere, including commercial areas, public buildings, sidewalks and ramp garages. The cause may a slippery, uneven, improperly maintained, poorly lit, poorly designed or built surface. There may be no warning for a dangerous condition.

For a successful claim for compensation for injuries a plaintiff must show,

  • The defendant had duty to use due care to prevent the dangerous situation,
  • The defendant breached that legal duty, and
  • That breach was the proximate or legal cause of the resulting injury.

The treatment of these injuries, and the pursuit of legal claims for compensation, shouldn’t be taken lightly. Accident victims need a prompt, thorough medical exam to determine any and all injuries. Those injuries must be properly treated. They may require long term rehabilitation and pain control.

Don’t try to negotiate a settlement of your claims by yourself. You don’t know all your legal rights, all the parties who may be responsible or what your case is worth. has represented many slip and fall accident victims. We will make sure those responsible for your injuries provide you with fair compensation.

Call us today for a free consultation. We will review the facts of the accident, your injuries, your legal rights and the best way to protect your interests. Time limits apply. Delaying action too long can result in a loss of your legal rights.

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